Providing Vibration Analysis, Diagnostics, Testing, and Balancing out of Richfield, MN
Vibration Analysis/Diagnostics
Getting to the root of the problem is our specialty.
Multichannel analyzer testing for an in depth review of how vibration is changing throughout changes in operating speed and operating conditions.
Impact testing using an instrumented hammer and accelerometer to identify locations of natural frequencies to verify if resonance is or is not a problem.
Experimental modal analysis services to assist in creating targeted design changes to resolve resonance issues.
Visual operating deflection shape testing so you can see how your equipment is vibrating.
Commissioning vibration measurements.
Floor vibration studies.
Field Balancing
Highly experienced balance engineers.
Successful balancing programs carried out on everything from 100 HP fans to 20 ton steam turbine rotors.
We can use your online condition monitoring system to balance if it is equipped with a phase trigger.
Online Condition Monitoring Systems
We provide API 670 compliant online condition monitoring systems.
Numerous successful deployments on
Steam Turbines
Gas Turbines